pass 인증서 발급 방법 220216 Issuance of PASS certificate

Did you know that the accreditation certificate will be revoked in the next two days? Of course, just because it is abolished doesn’t mean you can’t use it right away.
A certificate that can replace the online transcription signature! Now you can use it as a simple authentication method.
Also, it is easy to obtain and the places where it can be used are gradually expanding. pass 인증서 발급 방법

Among them, do you know the pass app, which is created and operated by the three mobile carriers in common? This is a pass made for easy identification.
The pass certificate released in April last year has now been issued by many people. It is said that as of the end of November, there were over 20 million people~~
Today, let’s install the pass app, get a certificate, and see where you can use it~ 이베이스매뉴얼
pass 인증서 발급 방법

application installation

Install the application (app)

You just need to search for pass in the play store and install it.
Consent to use of PASS app
Access permission is required to use the pass app.
The prepaid phone checks all the essentials and does not check the selections except for those that are necessary.
You have to click OK and then Grant permission to use it.

Sign up for Pass App
After installing the pass app, I will now sign up for Hwain.
Sign up for a pass
It’s right on the main page~? Hehe Sign up! Please enter this way!
Membership sign-up agreement
To sign up, you need to agree to the terms and conditions.
I only need it~

Member sign-up identity verification
You can verify your identity to sign up.
Enter the verification code received by text message and you are done!
Set pass password
Once you have completed your self-authentication in this way, you can set the 6-digit password required for self-authentication using the pass app in the future.
Then, a simple password is registered as an authentication method.
Signing up for the app is complete with this.
Now, when you verify your identity on multiple sites, you can verify it with the simple password you registered.

Issuing a PASS certificate
Then we will issue a pass certificate. It is very easy.
Pass certificate issuance
See “Certificate” at the top? I have to go in here.
Just go in and enter the 6-digit simple password you set up.
Salty~!!! After entering the password, the certificate is issued immediately!
It’s really easy to issue.