토스 계좌 연결 해제 To disconnect your Toss account, just remember the method below!

Don’t be confused about how to disconnect your account!
Are you looking for a way to disconnect your Toss account? Do not worry! Let me explain it to you simply and clearly.

1. Release directly from the Toss app (easiest) 토스 계좌 연결 해제

After running the Toss app, select the ‘More’ menu at the bottom right
Select ‘My Account’ or ‘My Assets’ menu
Click ‘…’ next to the account you want to delete. ‘Press the button
Select ‘Delete Account’ menu
Press the ‘Delete’ button in the ‘Delete Account’ pop-up

토스 계좌 연결 해제
2. Contact Toss Customer Center (when you need help)

After running the Toss app, select the ‘More’ menu at the bottom right
Select ‘Customer Center’ menu
Select ‘1:1 Inquiry’ or ‘Phone Inquiry’
Request to disconnect account
3. Toss website (when using PC)

After logging in, select the ‘Mytos’ menu
Select ‘Linked Account’ menu
Click the ‘Cancel’ button next to the account you want to cancel
4. PC web browser (when using PC)

Access https://toss.im/ in your PC web browser.
After logging in, select the ‘My Account’ menu
Select ‘Linked Account’ menu
Click the ‘Cancel’ button next to the account you want to cancel
5. Delete apps (need caution)

Delete Toss app
6. Reset your device (last resort)

Reset your smartphone device
7. Visit a bank/securities company in person (safe but cumbersome)

Visit your bank or securities company branch
Apply for account cancellation
Whichever method you choose, be sure to check the following before disconnecting:

Cancel automatic transfer/payment settings
Check and back up transaction history
Check whether Tospay is available
Disconnecting your Toss account is simple, but don’t forget the above!

If you are unsure or have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment! I will kindly answer.
