제주도 비행기표 싸게사는 법 Book cheap flights to Jeju Island – Booking.com

제주도 비행기표 싸게사는 법This is a popular travel destination on our site. You can take a direct flight or arrive via the nearest airport.
There are 9 airlines that fly from South Korea to Jeju Island. Among air routes, the route departing from Gimpo International Airport in Seoul and arriving at Jeju International Airport in Jeju is the most popular. The average flight time on this route is 1 hour and 9 minutes one way, and the average round-trip ticket price is ₩293,418.
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Average price for a round-trip ticket
The list below is based on recently sold flights on our platform, and available airlines may vary depending on your search criteria.
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Among flight routes from South Korea to Jeju Island, the following three are the most popular:• Gimpo International Airport to Jeju International Airport (average flight time: 1 hour 9 minutes)• Gimhae International Airport to Jeju International Airport Route (Average flight time: 1 hour 0 minutes)• Route from Cheongju International Airport to Jeju International Airport (Average flight time: 1 hour 7 minutes)
Among the flight routes from South Korea to Jeju Island, the most popular routes are as follows:• Gimpo International Airport to Jeju International Airport: 451km• Gimhae International Airport to Jeju International Airport: 291km• Cheongju International Airport Flight distance from Jeju International Airport: 369km.
The average price for a flight from South Korea to Jeju Island is ₩293,418. (Based on round trip flights between Gimpo International Airport and Jeju International Airport)
There are direct flights from South Korea to Jeju Island. Direct flights mainly depart from Gimpo International Airport, Gimhae International Airport, and Cheongju International Airport.
Jeju Air, Tway Air, Air Seoul, Korean Air, and Coast Air operate direct flights from South Korea to Jeju Island.

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제주도 비행기표 싸게사는 법
