사이버수사대 신고방법 How to report to cyber investigation department

Today, we will take a look at how to report to the cyber crime investigation team, which is one of the ways to respond to online cyber crimes. In this day and age where people use the Internet a lot, crimes that occur on the Internet are increasing in various ways. Types of cyber crimes include malicious programs or ransomware, copyright infringement, personal information infringement, defamation, stalking, etc. With the rapid growth of the Internet, the types of crimes through the Internet are also becoming more diverse, and voice phishing is now expanding into the online space, requiring much attention. If you have become a victim of a cyber crime, I think you would want to know exactly whether the case can be reported. If you want to know everything about the cyber investigation team, you can pay attention to this article.사이버수사대 신고

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How to report to cyber investigation team Thumbnail

Types of cyber investigation reports
What is a cyber investigation unit?
How to report to cyber investigation department

Types of cyber investigation reports
Hacking: This is a representative case of reporting. This is a case where your personal information and data are stolen through computer hacking.


Voice phishing: Voice phishing via smartphone can also be reported to the cyber investigation unit.


E-commerce fraud: This is a case of being scammed through a commonly used second-hand transaction site (Junggonara, Carrot Market). In this case, you can receive compensation for damages even if only a portion of the other party’s personal information is included. Being careful to provide trusted personal information when making transactions can help prevent e-commerce fraud.


Financial fraud: This is a similar case to hacking. If your account, public certificate, resident registration number, etc. is hacked through a smartphone or computer, it is considered financial fraud.


Body cam phishing and smishing: Body cam phishing and smishing are vicious cyber crimes that use instinct. Therefore, you can easily become a victim, and it is best to be suspicious of unsourced contact information and text messages, as well as text messages soliciting clicks.


Cyber ​​Swearing: In this case, it is an insult and applies to malicious comments through SNS on issue articles or articles.


What is a cyber investigation unit?
Cyber ​​Investigation Unit = National Police Agency Cyber ​​Safety Bureau is the official name. In 2000, as computers became popular, it was established to professionally investigate cybercrimes. As information technology and the digital economy develop, the level of cybercrime is increasing. Because of this, the Cyber ​​Investigation Unit was created to prevent this and to implement social ethics and laws in cyberspace as well as in real space.

The cyber investigation team is a police force that conducts investigations based on digital evidence.

How to report to cyber investigation department
Let’s take a closer look at how to report to the cyber crime investigation department. First, if you search for ‘cyber safety guard’ on a portal site you frequently use, the cyber investigation unit’s homepage will appear. Reports will be made right here.

Cyber ​​investigation department

Cyber ​​Safety Guardian website reporting manual: Cybercrime reporting/counseling > Apply for cybercrime prevention training > Suspicious Internet fraud phone call account number inquiry > Cybercrime prevention promotional material menu. Report cyber crime here./Click on consultation menu
When you go to the Cyber ​​Safety Guardian website, the following screen will appear. If it does not appear, click on the ‘Cyber ​​Crime Report’ tab. As you can see in the image above, you can see items related to cyber crimes. In addition to reporting cyber crimes, you can also look up phone numbers and account numbers for suspected Internet fraud. Today we will learn about how to report/consult cybercrime. When you click Cyber ​​Crime Report/Counseling, two functions will appear:

The Cyber ​​Crime Reporting menu screen contains reports and types of crimes.

Cybercrime Consultation Menu You can ask questions and consult about cybercrime.
As shown in the image above, options for reporting cyber crime and consulting on cyber crime appear. Reporting cybercrime is literally a reporting function. If any of the things mentioned above apply to you, please click the Report Now button and proceed with the reporting process. However, if you are confused or have any questions about what you are currently trying to report, you can use the cyber crime consultation function. Through the cyber crime consultation function, you can receive professional consultation about the incident in question and find out if you have been harmed and can be reported. You can check whether or not. You can also find out how to get compensation for your situation more simply and quickly. There may be various situations, but if you have time, we recommend that you use the Report Cyber ​​Crime Counseling service.


Today, let’s click Report to learn how to report. From now on, you can consider it important.

If you click Report, you will be informed of the basic reporting procedures and consent to providing personal information. Please read carefully and agree if you understand the personal information consent and procedures for reporting.


Cybercrime reporting process information and procedure information
And, without fail, the identity verification process is carried out. Since you can verify your identity through a text message on your cell phone, you can authenticate your identity with your cell phone without any troublesome procedures such as a public certificate.


Agree to terms and conditions and verify identity
If you have read and agreed to all the details, the most important steps now begin. Now is the full reporting process, and you must enter your personal information accurately. You must enter your date of birth, mobile phone number, and address as shown in the photo below. You must enter your address accurately as the cyber investigation team will investigate your damage case.

Enter reporter information

You must select a crime type for a quick investigation.
Then, you can select the crime surrender, and you can select the item related to the case in which you were defeated. I think it is rare to get confused because most of the information is specific and comprehensive.

Report input window
Now, finally, please fill in the information about the police department and the suspect. The more information you have when searching for a suspect, the easier the investigation will be, so it is best to get as much information as possible and report it. If you don’t know, just write ‘don’t know’.

Once the application is completed, we will guide you through the processing procedures.
If the application is completed, the report is received and processed as shown in the photo above. If it is reviewed for a certain period of time and designated as an official case, a full-scale investigation can be considered to proceed. All you have to do is visit the police station, undergo an investigation, and wait for the investigation to proceed.


It is best to prevent cybercrime before it happens. A variety of cyber crimes are occurring due to the rapidly developing Internet technology, and thinking that you are not a victim can result in greater losses if you are harmed. The cyber investigation reporting process has the advantage that anyone can easily report it as it is not as complicated as you might think. I believe that one of the best ways to create a better Internet environment if you are a cybercrime is to report it to prevent secondary victims.