금융인증서 공동인증서 차이 The difference between a joint certificate and a financial certificate and in the smartphone

What are the characteristics?
Valid for 3 years, storage is cloud service, 6-digit password, limited use only in banks

It is a new type of certificate that was released on December 10, 2020. Let’s compare the details of only the difference between financial certificates and joint certificates. 금융인증서 공동인증서 차이


금융인증서 공동인증서 차이
① The issuing institution is from the Korea Financial Telecommunications and Clearings Institute, but conversely, 6 designated institutions including Korea Information Certification 이베이스매뉴얼
② The certificate is stored in the KFTC cloud server, but the public is stored in a USB, smartphone, or personal PC.
③ The validity period is automatically renewed for 3 years, but jointly it is 1 year and automatically discarded
④ It is not necessary even in the case of whether to install a security program, but it is necessary to jointly
⑤ The process is not complicated when moving to a PC or smartphone, but there is a joint certificate transfer or copy process.
⑥ The password can be solved with only 6 digits, but the joint is 10 digits including special characters.
⑦ Limited use is possible only in banknotes, but joint use is possible with credit cards, securities companies, banks, government agencies, civil service services, etc.
Naver joint certificate?
Available for 3 years, certification can be used when booking a COVID-19 vaccine

Although it is a certificate conducted by a private company, it has also obtained government recognition. You can do multiple certifications for 3 years, and you can even pay automobile tax, license tax, resident tax, property tax, and local tax notice.

In addition to this, it can be used in various places such as verification of payment of telecommunication service charges.

Where is it used?
Simple authentication is possible in the following places.

① In the public sector, there are Science and Technology Association, National Pension Service, My Health Record, Civil Defense Training, Companion Lottery, etc.
② In education, there are Kyunghee, Konyang, Global Cyber ​​University, and Seoul Cyber ​​University.
③ Finance: Kyobo Life Planet, Meritz Fire & Marine Insurance, Hanwha General Insurance, Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance, db Insurance
④ Living and communication: Apartment I, LG Hello Vision, Medialog, LG U+

It can be used for university certificate, Hyundai Department Store Group Tongham membership, etc.
In addition, it is more convenient because the authentication is fast even when making a reservation for the COVID-19 vaccine.
How to issue a Naver joint certificate?
First, you need to install the Naver app from the App Store or Google Play Store and log in.

If you do not have a Naver ID, you must register as a member. Likewise, you can easily sign up in the app.
After logging in, click your profile in the top right corner.
And click the NAVER joint certificate issuance button.
It can be issued in just 10 seconds, so it is really fast.
Agree to all the required terms and conditions and proceed.
After that, you can complete carrier authentication.
Finally, you can complete the verification of your account.
Upon completion of this process, the issuance is complete.
You can also check the usage and issuance history, and you can use it after managing it conveniently.

What is Naver’s joint certificate issuance PC?
You need to install a browser called Naver WHALE.

If you want to issue on PC, Naver PC WAHLE browser must be installed on your computer. If not, you have to install it and go to the search bar and search for Naver certificate issuance.
After entering, click the Get PC Whale Browser button and follow the process.
If you receive a certificate request from each site in this way, you just need to confirm it and you are done.
It’s really easy to complete.