하이패스 사용내역 Hi-Pass usage history

hello. In this post, we are going to look at how to view HiPass usage history and print HiPass receipts for those who use HiPass to pay for highway tolls. In the past, you could easily get a paper receipt right away while paying a toll at a toll gate. Therefore, if necessary, you must directly issue and print a receipt through the Hi-Pass website.

Hi-Pass usage history inquiry and receipt printing can be easily checked and printed on the ‘Expressway Toll’ site on the Internet Hi-Pass website. If you search for ‘Hi-Pass’ on Naver or Daum portal, you can access the site immediately.

하이패스 사용내역

When accessing the highway toll website main screen, log in first. If you have not registered as a member, you can log in after registering as a member after verifying your identity. After logging in, click the ‘Use History Inquiry’ item listed first in the frequently searched service category. 하이패스 사용내역

Then the Hi-Pass card usage history inquiry details screen appears. Here, if you want to inquire about the history of using Hi-Pass by period, you can set the inquiry period separately and click the inquiry button below. 좋은뉴스

I decided to check the history of HiPass usage for 2 months. In this way, 5 usage records were inquired. You can check which toll gate you passed along with the actual date and time of travel to the entrance and exit offices, and even the toll amount is indicated. Here, you can print the receipt part by selecting only the items you want to print through the checkbox on the left, or you can print the entire receipt.

If you click the Print Receipt button, the Hi-Pass Receipt screen will appear as if you followed the old paper receipt form as above. If you want to print directly to the printer, click the Print Receipt button at the top right to print.