지메일 비밀번호 찾기 How to Find and Change Your Gmail Password

I was expecting a little sunny weather, but it’s still cloudy here~ My eldest child said on the way to daycare, “I can’t see Mommy’s sun~~” I hope I can see the sun sooner This morning, I rushed to find my Google password. To buy a mobile phone and download apps, you need to create a Gmail. At that time, it was a one-time thing and I forgot my password because I didn’t actually use Google. I looked it up once because I had to enter my Google password to make a payment.

1. First, please go to Google
Click Login at the top!
2. On this screen 지메일 비밀번호 찾기
Click on Need help?
We need to find our Google password.
Do you really need help?

지메일 비밀번호 찾기

3. I’m having trouble logging in! JFactory
Enter your email address
Click Continue!
Here, your email is Gmail.
4. Your name and account appear.
(I made a mosaic)
Write down your remembered Google password here.
And click Continue!

5. My model appeared automatically
I was feeling a little queasy
(It feels like they know what my phone is 😉
Click Send Notification!
I got this on my phone
I clicked yes here.
6. It resets right away.
in this way
I found my google password
I reset it ^^
There was another way
As I was writing this, I went back to Google.
It is authenticated differently.
Mobile phone text message verification is also possible.
When that is not possible due to loss or other reasons
Click my phone is not available!
I wrote it down for emergencies.
I’m sending you an email
Finding your Google password is easy.
I don’t use Gmail any other time.
To download the smartphone application
because I signed up
Many times I forgot my password.
I’m always looking for something to do
Lunch time is already approaching.
Time is so fast
Have a nice lunch
I want to eat hot soup today!