자동차 등록증 재발급 Reissuance of vehicle registration certificate

If you own a car, you probably have a car registration card. Although I rarely use my car registration card, I often need it for apartment parking registration, vehicle inspection, and insurance contracts, but sometimes it is difficult to forget where I put it. Today we are going to learn how to reissue a vehicle registration certificate.

Internet reissuance of vehicle registration certificate

– Let’s take a look at a site that reissues a vehicle registration certificate over the Internet.

Application for reissuance of government 24 vehicle registration certificate

자동차 등록증 재발급

– A fee of 600 won will be charged if the vehicle registration certificate is reissued through Government24. Only you can apply.

Go to Government 24 Homepage 자동차 등록증 재발급

– If you search for vehicle registration certificate reissuance application on the main screen of the Government 24 website, a shortcut to the vehicle registration certificate reissuance application service is displayed. You can apply here. 좋은뉴스

Application for reissuance of government 24 vehicle registration certificate
car 365

– Reissuance of vehicle registration is also possible on the Auto 365 website.

Go to Auto 365 Homepage

ick Others on Auto 365 Homepage

– If you click the Other menu on the main screen of the Auto 365 homepage, you can get a reissue of the vehicle registration from the Instant Issuance > Reissuance of vehicle registration menu.

Auto 365 Homepage – Instant Issuance
Reissuance of vehicle registration card by community center

– You can reissue your vehicle registration by visiting the city hall, gu office, or eup, myeon-dong community center. A fee of 700 won is charged for reissuance in person. Documents to be submitted are slightly different depending on whether it is a personal vehicle or a corporate vehicle.

– In the case of a personal vehicle, if the person is visiting, an ID card / In the case of a representative visit, a copy of the resident registration card and a representative ID are required for the family member, and if the person is not a family member, the owner’s seal certificate, power of attorney, and representative ID are required.

– In the case of corporate vehicles, when the representative visits in person, please bring a copy of your ID and business registration certificate.

– If you are planning to reissue by visiting the community center, you can save time by visiting the car registration office to obtain a reissuance.

How to re-issuance of vehicle registration certificate

Today we learned how to reissue a vehicle registration certificate. Hope it helped you a lot. thank you