일신상의 이유 뜻 Chinese characters for personal reasons

It is quite burdensome for any office worker to write down their reasons when they leave the company. The expression used at that time is personal reason. Today, we will find out what personal reason means.

일신상의 이유 뜻

1. the meaning of one’s personal reason
Ilshinsang means “an individual’s situation,” and 由 is a Chinese character that means “reason or reason.”


Therefore, personal reasons mean ‘for the reason of an individual’s circumstances’.



<Example of New Year’s Day>

– He decided to take a leave of absence due to personal reasons.

– Mr. Park left the company due to personal problems.

일신상의 이유 뜻

– It’s frustrating that I can’t help much because it’s a very personal matter of a friend.

– Suddenly she quit the company, saying she had personal reasons.





2. the use of a 일

1) an extremely personal matter

Generally speaking, if someone has a “personal reason/reason/work,” something has happened to an individual’s situation, which implies that it is extremely personal.


So if the other person said that, don’t bother asking and think that you have your own circumstances.



2) Reasons for resignation

Honestly, the reasons for leaving the company are all from there. Either you have little money, you don’t like your co-worker, or you’re overburdened with your work. But it’s very difficult to talk to the team leader or the boss in person. It’s very difficult, especially in the Republic of Korea, which is called the country of Eastern courtesy.


That’s why this expression is to hide your honest feelings and use them as a reason for leaving the company. Of course, people who leave the company have various complaints. People, salaries, work, etc. It’s a good expression to show them in moderation without directly mentioning them.



3) reasons for annual leave

There are systems where we usually write down ‘annual reasons’ when we use annual leave. It’s kind of weird to write down annual reasons at that time.


That’s why I often use vacation for personal reasons. If you were stressed about what to write about your annual leave, you can use the expression you found out today.


How many annual accruals will increase per year.


a vacation

3. a personal Chinese character

① a single 身 above

一 (one day), 身 (body god), upper (top)


② Thought (e.g. 由)

事사, 由


TIP. Common Sense to Know

8 things you need to know if it’s possible to use the remaining annual leave when you leave the company!



Today, we briefly learned about the expression that you use to leave the company. I hope you will take this opportunity to understand and use it appropriately.