베이비시터 자격증 취득방법 How to obtain babysitter certification and its benefits

베이비시터 자격증 취득방법Babysitter certification is a qualification that helps those with childcare experience provide professional care services. If you obtain this certification, you can work as a freelancer helping children learn until they reach the upper grades of elementary school.

A babysitter is a temporary caregiver who is usually hired by parents or guardians to look after their children during their absence.
Experienced and trained babysitters ensure the safety of children and handle small, routine tasks.

The way to obtain a babysitter certification is to obtain a private certification issued by the Korea Qualifications Development Institute.
To obtain certification, you must take and pass a written exam. Afterwards, you must take and complete job training video lectures, through which you can obtain a babysitter certification.

Go to Korea Qualification Development Institute

The entire course is conducted 100% online, and the exam can be taken 14 days from 2 weeks before the end of the semester. You can pass by earning 60 points out of 100.

Go to Korea Vocational Ability Research Institute

To take the exam, you must complete at least 60% of the 25 lectures. Once you are ready, you can take the exam on the date and time of your choice.

Go to Korean Psychological Education Association
Obtaining a babysitter certification can advance your career in child care. This allows us to provide a higher level of service by being more equipped with knowledge and experience in child care. The experience and knowledge gained while caring for children in various facilities and environments will open up more opportunities and possibilities for your future.

Additionally, if you get a job by obtaining a babysitter certification, you can receive higher wages and benefits. People who hold a babysitter license are highly sought after and have many opportunities to be treated because they have expertise and experience in child care. This can help you get a more stable job and higher salary.

Additionally, by obtaining a babysitter certification, you can advance your career and become a more professional child care professional. Lastly, a babysitter certification will give you a competitive edge in the child care field. By obtaining a babysitter certification, you will have excellent expertise and knowledge in the field of child care. This opens the door to a wider variety of jobs and opportunities.

베이비시터 자격증 취득방법
