무릎 연골 찢어짐 증상 Knee cartilage tear symptoms

As the cold winter weather continues, there are many cases of knee injuries when sliding on an icy road or exercising forcibly.

무릎 연골 찢어짐 증상

These symptoms are a degenerative disease that occurs with weakening of muscle strength and aging, and it has been seen a lot among middle-aged people.
Recently, among young people, the incidence is increasing due to excessive exercise, obesity, trauma, etc. 무릎 연골 찢어짐 증상

If you squat for a long time, kneel for a long time, or walk or run for a long time, a severe burden on the knee cartilage occurs. It is said to be accompanied by pain and damage, leading to a tear in the knee cartilage. 좋은뉴스

So, what kind of pain can appear when a knee cartilage tear occurs? First, it becomes difficult to climb and descend the stairs, and when you bend and straighten your knee, a friction noise may occur.
You may feel pain or stiffness in your knee every time you walk. Lastly, if the pain persists at the same time as severe swelling, it is recommended to suspect that the knee cartilage is torn and go to a hospital for a diagnosis.
What kind of management is best to prevent these knee cartilage tear symptoms?

First of all, if you are obese, weight can put a lot of strain on your knees, so it is recommended to lose weight through a healthy diet and regular exercise. Hey!
Keep your knee healthy by preventing knee cartilage tear symptoms by combining this healthy diet with continuous exercise!