맹장염 자가진단 Appendicitis self-diagnosis

Appendicitis Causes: Appendicitis Causes

Appendicitis is caused by blockage of the hole of the appendix. It is caused by a large increase in lymphoid tissue, feces flow into the appendix process and block the hole of the appendix, or when foreign substances such as hair ingested enter and block the hole, bacteria in the appendix multiply and multiply in the mucous layer. If secretions cannot escape from the intestine, appendicitis occurs.

Appendicitis most often occurs between the late teens and 20s.

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■Appendicitis early symptoms: Acute appendicitis symptoms■

Abdominal pain occurs most of the time, and nausea, vomiting, anorexia, etc. appear, and sometimes some feel abdominal tenderness and fever. In the beginning of abdominal pain, there is a little pain in the upper abdomen above the navel, but gradually the range of pain spreads to the right lower abdomen below the navel.

Depending on the location of the appendix, symptoms such as pain in the right side or wanting to see the bowel even when defecation appear 맹장염 자가진단

In addition, constipation, diarrhea, intestinal obstruction, and peritonitis may occur. 좋은뉴스


appendicitis treatment

Acute appendicitis requires treatment within 48 hours of onset, and if surgery is not possible, early topical cold compresses and strong antibiotics are essential as directed by a specialist

Appendicitis is treated by surgery to remove the appendix, and if appendicitis is diagnosed early and operated, most recover quickly without complications.



Appendicitis self-diagnosis

Before going to the hospital, the way to tell if it is appendicitis when you have abdominal pain is that appendicitis causes severe pain in the right lower abdomen below the belly button as time goes by. In this case, when the right lower abdomen is pressed with the fingertips and released, it is more

If the pain is worse when the hand is removed, appendicitis should be suspected. In addition, the diagnosis method is that if the pain decreases when the right knee is bent and severe pain occurs when the knee is extended, there is a high possibility of appendicitis, so go to the hospital immediately.

I have to go.


How to prevent appendicitis

1. Avoid excessive drinking and smoking.

2. Eat as many vegetables as possible.

3. Exercise regularly and steadily.

4. Avoid overeating and binge eating.

5. Eat foods rich in dietary fiber as much as possible.

Good food for appendicitis

1. Leek juice

Leek juice is effective in reducing pain in the body, and appendectomy is a medicine that warms and protects a cold body.

help it work.

2. Figs

When it comes to choosing the best food for appendicitis, you can’t leave out figs. Since ancient times, it has been used as a folk remedy for appendicitis.

The best food is figs.


3. Radish juice

The effect of radish juice is excellent as it dissolves hard gallstones. Therefore, it is also effective for appendicitis.

4. Three Hundred Seconds

Sambaekcho is a good food for appendicitis. If you iron it well and take it warm, you can see a big effect.

​TIP. There are many people who take it lightly as a simple abdominal pain and go to the hospital to be diagnosed with appendicitis. It is a disease that should not be taken lightly because if the appendix bursts due to delay, the surgery becomes complicated and dangerous situations arise. Anyone can get appendicitis, so it’s best to know how to self-diagnose and go to the hospital right away.