교보문고 영업시간 Kyobo Bookstore Hours of Operation

Kyobo Book Center business hours Closed days, check branch
Kyobo Book Center in Gwanghwamun is not far from my house,

I go once a month.

Whether it’s on the way home from work, or on the weekend with family. 교보문고 영업시간


It is difficult to buy the book you want to see through the Internet, 좋은뉴스

I usually take notes, but on the day I hear it, I read the contents starting from the table of contents and buy the book.

교보문고 영업시간



▲ I always like the “words on the banner” in the Kyobo Bookstore building while passing by Gwanghwamun ▲



By the way, last time I went at 9:30 in the evening, the door was open.

They work until fairly late.


Let’s find out Kyobo Bookstore business hours, closed days, and Kyobo Bookstore location.



– Kyobo Book Center business hours 9:30 ~ 22:00 (Based on Gwanghwamun, check the branch below)

– Kyobo Book Center Holidays: Lunar New Year (Same day), Chuseok (Same day), (Gwanghwamun standard)


※ It is different for each branch, so you need to check it yourself.